Thanks for stopping by my website.
All my albums are now download-able for free from this site. You can also stream them on Spotify and Apple Music and the other streaming services.
I’ve posted some videos here, and a blog called “news” where you will perhaps notice the intersection of music, dharma, world events, and nature as a path of discovery and interconnection.
At the core is live music, and so I am excited and grateful to be playing with my quartet “Heart of Hearing” on the first Wednesday of every month at the Lilypad in Cambridge, MA and two Thursdays a month at Spice Thai Kitchen in Ipswich, MA. The “Schedule” page has all the details.
I send out a few brief emails each year. If you are interested please sign up at the bottom of this page.
Yours in harmony,
New album: Generosity
Click the links below for more information and to download my new album.


Our new gig at the Lily Pad
We have a new home on the first Thursday of every month at the Lily Pad in Cambridge.

Tokyo to New York City
October 27, 2010Dear Friends,I am writing from the plane on the 11-hour flight back to New York City from Tokyo.The second half of our tour was booked by Adachi-san. He fell in love with jazz when he was 18. Much to his parent’s dismay, he asked a famous Japanese...

Returning to Tokyo
October 19, 2010Tomodachi - (friends)Today I am returning to Tokyo after completing the first half of the 17-day tour that my friend Kazumi Ikenaga plans for us every year. Somehow the flight into Tokyo, 24 hours door to door, does not seem like such a big deal. Maybe...