Thanks for stopping by my website.
All my albums are now download-able for free from this site. You can also stream them on Spotify and Apple Music and the other streaming services.
I’ve posted some videos here, and a blog called “news” where you will perhaps notice the intersection of music, dharma, world events, and nature as a path of discovery and interconnection.
At the core is live music, and so I am excited and grateful to be playing with my quartet “Heart of Hearing” on the first Wednesday of every month at the Lilypad in Cambridge, MA and two Thursdays a month at Spice Thai Kitchen in Ipswich, MA. The “Schedule” page has all the details.
I send out a few brief emails each year. If you are interested please sign up at the bottom of this page.
Yours in harmony,
New album: Generosity
Click the links below for more information and to download my new album.

New CD – Just Out
I am excited to tell you about this new CD, which I am calling “Lima Beans.”For the past year I have had the great privilege of rehearsing with the legendary Afro-Peruvian singer Eva Ayllon. My band mates on this CD, Jorge Perez Albela and Jorge Roeder, introduced me...
What I do when I meditate
Sometimes I am asked to explain something about meditation or Buddhism and more than occasionally I find it difficult to know where to begin. The explanations about what I am doing and why are always evolving. Of course, some of the reasons why I meditate remain...
About the new CD “Near and Far”
I am very happy to announce the release of a new CD"Near and Far KJB"Kazumi Ikenaga ... drumsJohn Lockwood ... bassBert Seager ... pianoThis is the third CD that this trio had recorded and released. It features many more of my original tunes (7 of 10) than the...