Thanks for stopping by my website.
All my albums are now download-able for free from this site. You can also stream them on Spotify and Apple Music and the other streaming services.
I’ve posted some videos here, and a blog called “news” where you will perhaps notice the intersection of music, dharma, world events, and nature as a path of discovery and interconnection.
At the core is live music, and so I am excited and grateful to be playing with my quartet “Heart of Hearing” on the first Wednesday of every month at the Lilypad in Cambridge, MA and two Thursdays a month at Spice Thai Kitchen in Ipswich, MA. The “Schedule” page has all the details.
I send out a few brief emails each year. If you are interested please sign up at the bottom of this page.
Yours in harmony,
New album: Generosity
Click the links below for more information and to download my new album.


Fall Residency At The Lilypad
It is raining gently for the first time in many many weeks. Verily - Amen. The drought has been severe, and everybody has been hoping for this rain. All the plants, and trees, and creatures, stressed by the lack of life-giving moisture. There are almost no...

Forest Refuge
This Sunday, May first, I am headed to the Forest Refuge at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA for a month-long silent retreat. I am excited about going. The simplicity of the retreat environment, designed to allow us to sustain our focus, has over the years...

You’ve Changed
You’ve changed. Really. Since the last time I wrote a month ago, for sure. The world has certainly changed. We all are painfully aware of that. At the same time, new thoughts have entered your mind just since you started reading this blog a few seconds ago. All...