Thanks for stopping by my website.
All my albums are now download-able for free from this site. You can also stream them on Spotify and Apple Music and the other streaming services.
I’ve posted some videos here, and a blog called “news” where you will perhaps notice the intersection of music, dharma, world events, and nature as a path of discovery and interconnection.
At the core is live music, and so I am excited and grateful to be playing with my quartet “Heart of Hearing” on the first Wednesday of every month at the Lilypad in Cambridge, MA and two Thursdays a month at Spice Thai Kitchen in Ipswich, MA. The “Schedule” page has all the details.
I send out a few brief emails each year. If you are interested please sign up at the bottom of this page.
Yours in harmony,
New album: Generosity
Click the links below for more information and to download my new album.


Waking Up
It seems that people from all over the globe had shared a fervent hope that the US would turn the page on a man who hated and divided. So many of us thought that a more inclusive, wider perspective would be clearly seen as the better way forward. So now what? Sadly,...

New Album
Imagine my surprise seeing this on the Mass Pike today... OK … imagine how surprised I would be if I saw that. My band, Heart of Hearing, has a new album that was released yesterday. We recorded it a few weeks ago, on June 3 and 4 at WGBH Fraser Studio in Boston. The...

Jazz Cats On The Scene
As you know, the Lilypad has been a kind of home, where I have played regularly for the last 15 years; on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM. I deeply value the intimacy of playing with my band in a small room full of attentive friends and students —...