Begin again…

Begin again…

2017 Beginnings Here we are, at the start of 2017. Don’t we all want to be able to feel that there can always be a fresh beginning? That is one of the reasons for, and advantages of taking a break, so we can return with intention and motivation. In the current climate...


Say:  ” tet trap tick” It is a painting with four panels that make up one painting. A dyptych has two panels. A triptych has three. A tetraptych has four – sometimes it is called a quadaptych. The great thing about these paintings is that each panel...
Giving thanks

Giving thanks

Last week there was an article in the Sunday New York Times about how being grateful makes you happier.  The science is lining up with what we know to be true.  When we express gratitude we connect more deeply with our environment.  It is impossible to be...
Something Slows Down

Something Slows Down

Someone once asked the Dalai Lama if he ever took a break. And his response was “a break from what?” If we are committed to living our lives in the freshness of the present then it doesn’t matter where or what – summer or winter. If we are fully alive and fully...
Japan Tour 2015

Japan Tour 2015

I am writing this letter while sitting on the high speed Shinkansen line from Kyoto back toTokyo.  It is my last full day here before I head back to Boston tomorrow morning. So many of you have read these annual letters that I write while on this train.  I have been...
Finishing our third season with a bang!

Finishing our third season with a bang!

Our chamber-jazz quartet,The Why, is currently wrapping up its third and by far most productive season yet. We break each summer as our cellist, Catherine Bent, heads off again to Brazil to play Choro music in the vibrant Rio scene down there.  This gives us the...